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The top tier in the hierarchy of insults, this term may be used to describe persons whos existance is a particularly grieveous stain on humanity.

"Go! You Stupid-Idiot-Cunt-Fuck!" Exlaimed Glenn, whilst stuck behind a particularly slow driver.

by gilksy March 8, 2024

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Stupid dumb idiot

When you're so dumb you get killed by a cute rat and you are a very dumb idiot and you have 0 IQ and you fard.

This is a stupid dumb idiot, and you 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

by DiarrheaFart May 25, 2022

Ocelot stupidity

Having a vast array of shitty movie references, memes and superficial general knowledge which has no application in the real world at all.

"Idk what it is about you Oce, but everything you're commenting makes me laugh." - " It's his Ocelot stupidity"

by KiffSka July 31, 2018

stupid lileika

lileika is stupid

Wow! You know Lileika? Yeah... stupid lileika

by manylov December 8, 2020

Stupid burger

A kid that can’t decide what to order At McDonald’s to convince it to his mother.

“Hey look, that nerd has a stupid burger”.
“I get a stupid burger a lot at McDonald’s”.

by Djpandawubs May 21, 2022

stupid bench

A person that is so stupid and Is also some what part bitch. the bitch is the bench. But the bench is your friend. Most of the time, benches play waterpolo and have pretty good grades but are super stupid benches. Amen

Oh Valarie, you’re such a stupid bench.

by stupid bench January 31, 2019

stupid dumb bitch

something your bf calls you when he’s being hateful af

you stupid dumb bitch

by bigbitch420 June 17, 2020

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