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and we need to talk about it

1. a warning sign that a social justice warrior (SJW) is about to complain about something- typically existing only in their imagination- using logical fallacies and utter nonsense. esp. when in written form.

2. an indication that the complaining described above is about to commence

white people don't want to date minorities, and we need to talk about it.

white people are increasingly interested in dating minorities, and we need to talk about it.

Magic the Gathering card artwork features Templar Knights, and we need to talk about it

by That.Guy456 January 24, 2021

less talk more action

A phrase that is often used to get people to stop talking and lend a helping hand.

"Less talk more action"

(Several boys are seen working on their assignments; several teenage girls are heard gossiping)
Holly: Hey, Allie. Have you heard that Brian is going out with Bridget?
Allie: Shut up! Are you serious?

Bertha: Oh my, God, Janet. Have you heard that Robby is going out with Lizzie?
Janet: Lizzie's dating a loser like Robby? That's so, like, not cool.

(The teacher drops a textbook on the floor that startles all students)
Teacher: Look, you chatty girls. Less talking, more action!

by The Definition Finder August 7, 2014

9๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

talking out of your ass

A person that talks just to hear there self talk.

U sound better talking out of ur mouth not ur ass.

by cartman5000 July 25, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž

Talk shit get hit

If someone talks shit to you in an online game, you get their IP adress and ddos them

Frat Boy: hey bro ur gey
DDoSer: Talk shit get hit bro
Frat Boy: *gets ddosed*

by Miku Chan. April 17, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

talk to me nice

to send nudes or asking for nudes.

usually meant as a joke.

but sometimes it can really work.

Boy to girl

Boy: Yo, you look good, talk to me nice

Girl: Sure what's you're number

by simply.clo3 August 4, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 237๐Ÿ‘Ž

talking out his neck

Talking like a fucking dumb ass.

That ugly guy talking out his neck with his big teeth

by Frustrating that December 9, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Money talks, bullshit walks

The well-off aren't accountable for their actions in society. You can get away with murder as long as you grease the right palms.

"Weren't they covered by our insurance policy?"
"Yeah, that doesn't mean we're paying out."
"They're gonna sue the pants off us. It could turn into an ugly class-action."
"No problem. Money talks, bullshit walks. At the end of the day we'll pay less to make it go away in court."

by fkncnt January 20, 2014

36๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž