Source Code

National slap arse day

November 6th, national slap arse day is a free opportunity to slap somebody’s bums

Lewis slapped my arse but it’s national slap arse day

by Jamiecrookk November 4, 2020

National Kayden & Taylor Day

On September 25th of every year we will celebrate the friendship anniversary of Kayden & Taylor

Hey bro it's national Kayden & Taylor day!

by www.urmomstoe.com June 22, 2022

Jacob Day

a little b!tch that's rly fun to hang out with. He can be kinda shy sometimes but overall has a kinda heart. he has pretty eyes and the cutest smile. He can be an asshole sometimes and might not have the best reputation. He has a... unique sense of humor. He looks very masculine physically however, he is a soft baby boy on the inside.

Did you see that really hot guy over there?
yeah, that's Jacob Day

by sab is sad October 20, 2022

Global Peace Day

A historic day in which an Indian retard stopped his cringe and left us for good

God has blessed us with Global Peace Day

by 6w9 September 7, 2020

Soft tacos day

in 11/30 its soft tacos day after pariticipating in kiss a furry day you are forced to participate in soft tacos day and even if you didnt participate you still can!

"Hey dude its soft tacos day"

by Merkip November 30, 2021

Mochi Day

October 13th is the day where people around the world come together to celebrate and make mochi.

What is October 13th?
October 13th Is Mochi Day

by Taehyun is cute February 1, 2021

national 4loko day

National 4Loko Day falls on the 4th of July every year. On National 4Loko Day, everyone in the United States must shotgun at least three 4Lokos.

NPC 1: Today is national 4Loko Day, so I went out and got each of us at least three 4Lokos to shotgun.

NPC 2: Do we have to shotgun all three 4Lokos?

NPC 1: Um, yeah... duh. It's National 4Loko Day

by natlieNunn July 3, 2023