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Double-Binary People's Day

Also Double-Binary Visibility Day and Double-Binary Awareness Day.

January 26th.
Origin: International Women's Day and International Men's Day added together

Happy Double-Binary People's Day!

by Shugunou October 23, 2023

Mang appreciation day

September 1st

Hey guys it’s mang appreciation day!

by Mang appreciation day August 31, 2022

National Don't Answer at Your Scheduled Time Day

Today July 12th is the day you will schedule an interview and then not show up, as a way to communicate with the world your pride in being an unprofessional, unemployable jerk

"Oh, Happy National Don't Answer at Your Scheduled Time Day! I'm so glad you decided not to observe this holiday, and feel we can be the best of friends."

by elemenopeeeee July 12, 2022

Melina Day

When a great many small projects come crashing down on you in one day.

Sven: Yesterday was a real Melina day, that was intense.
Gerrit: What was yesterday? Is that what we call it now?

by Skult0703 November 12, 2021

Melissa Day

This is the day that celebrates Melissa she is a honor student and is a D1 player and is one of the best Melissa’s the exist on earth

OMG!! Today is Melissa Day

by Melissa2.0 May 31, 2024

Ignore Xavier Day

It’s a day where Xavier gets ignored

Xavier”are you ignoring me
Lucy “yes it’s national Ignore Xavier Day”

by BuffaloSauce June 25, 2023

Easy days

A Scottish expression (most commonly used in the central belt of the country) for something that is ideal.

"Aw your picking Mark up too on the way? Easy days mate see you there".

by SIRROMNEB April 19, 2023