Shows other people that he’s Madly in Love with a girl and wants to keep her forever!
Don’t leave him! “4 Fingers Up”
4 fingers up shows that you are madly in love with Rhi no questions asked
i’m putting 4 fingers up for Rhi
putting 4 fingers up means no one can guard u
*holds 4 fingers up*
"oh ik i cant guard him"
4 fingers up means you think loren is the goat
yeah i put 4 fingers up bc loren’s the goat
it means you have an extreme foot fetish
steve: damn kris had 4 fingers up in his latest insta post
brian: shiiiii at least he open to what he likes
4 Fingers Up means you have to suck my dick
“Oh he has 4 Fingers Up”
“Well you have to suck his dick now”
You think Haddie’s the coolest person any1 will ever meet!!
Wow! Alice has 4 fingers up! She must think Haddie is the coolest person!!