4 Fingers Up Shows That You Are Madly In Love With Dom No Questions Asked
Did You See All Those People Holding 4 Fingers Up
4 fingers up shows that your one of Nks hoes !
4 fingers up shoes I am nks hoes
It means that you are so massively gay that you enjoy raping little men. not kids, dwarfs.
Man's held 4 fingers up, he must have lots of sex with little grown up men.
4 fingers up means jaala is the GOAT
so many people had 4 fingers up ..
it means you have a crazy amount of bitches and your a pimp
“did you see ryders post with 4 fingers up he gets crazy bitches bro” “yeah bro fr”
putting up 4 fingers or throwing 4s means you got a big dick
omg look at him he has 4 fingers up you know what that means.