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Foreigner day

Its international foreigner day

May 26th is foreigner day

by Realshitter35 October 25, 2022

the smiths day

the day in which all hot people get to celebrate the love for this band โ€˜the smithsโ€™.

letโ€™s go celebrate the smiths day!!!

by bigsexymilf125 May 17, 2021

Happy Flee Day

A slang for happy birthday. Comparable to Happy G Day, Happy Cash day, Happy Glo Day etc. its all a slang for happy birthday !

happy flee day brotha!

by Fkxguin777 August 30, 2022

Beat a furry hater hater hater day

A countermeasure to Beat a furry hater hater day. takes place on November 30th. Beat any furry hater you know, and they cannot fight back.

Furry hater: Fuck, they made a countermeasure to our countermeasure?
Furry hater hater hater: Yes we fucking did. Now get ready to die on Beat a furry hater hater hater day.

by datnotgud November 29, 2023

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Mo Day

its national hate mo day

did you hear its national hate mo day?

by antsg_ December 23, 2020

Latter Day Latte

Often used as a replacement for coffee by Utahns - a Latter Day Latte is a dark colored fountain soda with added ingredients such as heavy creams or milk, giving it the appearance of a traditional latte.

Could I get a Latter Day Latte with extra cream? Does anyone know where I can get a Latter Day Latte around here?

by Talldaddyslim February 28, 2025

Discord N-Word Day

January 10 Discord N-Word Day
It's a day that you can say the n word in everywhere you want and mods are not allowed to ban you

A:Wassup Niggers!
B:I'm gonna ban you
A:You can't because today is Discord N-Word Day!

by IjustEatass January 6, 2021