National littlest pet shop day is a day where your parents HAVE to buy you LPS and throw a LPS themed party
“Mom it’s national littlest pet shop day”
“It’s already on my calendar, here’s your party and LPS!”
Slap people younger and shorter than you
Its National slap people younger and shorter than you day :D
On 6th of March
Slap people younger and shorter than you
1:I'm gunna kidnap you
1: cuz it's National slap people younger and shorter than you day :D
It’s national smoke dead oppz day
National dead oppz day is the best holiday
On december 18th the owners and non staff members can haress the staff and there is nothing the staff can do about 11
fuck the staff day (not owners)
A Day dedicated to the embarrassment of your family on social media On August 20.
it’s National Embarrass Your Family Day!
An official holiday in the U.S. state of Nebraska, specifically the capital, Lincoln, celebrating the Josh Fight that happened on April 24, 2021.
Little Josh: Guess What Day it is!?
Nathan: Huh?
Little Josh: It's my day! Josh Day! Nothing really happened, because I just got to keep my name.