Homophobic girl who judges everyone and hates gay people.
jordan king hates gay people. she’s ugly too.
a very good looking man who is always snapin and talking
jordan needham is so kawaii
He is a popular YouTuber. He is know as Jordan Dillard the meme god but one day his anti self took over and his name is the meme devil.
Hey have you watched Jordan Dillard the meme devil? Yes he is really cool
Literally the finest man alive.
I heart Michael B Jordan
Jordan has a really small dick and he loves to smoke weed but he stinks and he has a gross and small dick
Jordan conners has a small duck
Creeper aw man aw man hahaha creeper ahahahaha aw man awwwww aw man aw creep aw aw man creep aw!
Jordan Moran drives a McLaren and turns his shirt to ash in the gym.