When legs are so pale/white they still light up in the darkness or early morning.
Random guy at gas station to total stranger: "Dang mama your legs could be flashlights."
The cringiest name for a low kick in Kickboxing/Muay Thai ever !. Originates in Australia.
Watch a Muay Thai card anywhere in Australia and for sure you'll here a low kick be called a "leg chop". '*spew*
Brodie: "I was at sparring last noight, and this dickhead was going full-on on me. I warned him twice, and if he threw 1 more leg chop, i'd start turning it up on him. He backed off after I said that, but mart, I tell ya, my leg is stingin' today bud.
Cory: "Unreal bruzz. My gym is pretty chill. All the boyz respect each other. Sounds like you got some big egos at your gym bruzzy. Mind you, hard sparring is necessary for fighters. which you are NOT.
Lift a leg is a saying by many human pups to each other to indicate good luck.
Its derived from the old performance slang "Break a leg" .
Hey good luck on your pup'formance tonight 'lift a leg'
When you have been at the buggery pokery with a woman. After climaxing this is the jelly like feeling you get in your legs.
Ryan: Hey I went to Katie’s last night I was banging all night then my legs went funny
Joe: Looks like you got leg lag Ryan
Permanent Stanky Leg (Hip dysplasia) is an abnormality of the hip joint where the socket portion does not fully cover the ball portion, resulting in an increased risk for joint dislocation.1 Hip dysplasia may occur at birth or develop in early life.1 Regardless, it does not typically produce symptoms in babies less than a year old.
My baby has the Permanent Stanky Leg..
Only girls that wear workout leggings are a dumb blonde bitch. If you call your friend named Elise workout leggings, you are elite.
hey workout leggings, wanna play among us?
A Woman with really sexy legs has "Wishbone Legs". You "Wish your "Bone" was between them.
Now that Model has "Wishbone Legs"...Wish my bone was between then Hey?