The official currency of West Germany from 1948 until 1990 and later the unified Germany from 1990 until 2002. Replaced Reichsmark.
I owe you 100 Deustche Marks, right?
An exclamation of a trick shot in pool. Used in Big Brother to define a lucky shot that Mark Drelich uses when playing pool.
A Mark Shot occurs when you hit a ball you aimed for, but it goes into a hole on the opposite side of the pool table.
He specifically said that Mark Shot was going to be put on Urban Dictionary. So because he's my favourite Big Brother player, I did this for him.
Mark Shot!
The best teacher of all time. Objectively.
"Mark Howell is my favorite teacher."
Marks are weird but mark ash is a little fucker that loves dick in the butt al day every day!,
Jeff: Dude who's that new mark ash?
Adrian: Mark ash is a little fucker who loves dick!
It is a question mark in a box
It means you have no clue about something .
Hooman: Sup whacha doin
Other Hooman: Walking my pet fish
Hooman:question mark in box emoji.
I don’t know what it means does anyone else.The only reason I did this is so someone else sees this and tells me.
theres no explanation you just have to vibe with it