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how someone can decide how old he/she can go before dating someone who is older

Before I date any man who is older than me, I do the your-age-plus-half-your-age-minus-seven math problem to make sure he is not too old for me.

by kimmickal September 13, 2009

662๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sweet pear half in your own heavy syrup

Sweeet pear half = vagina
Heavy syrup= cum
Your own= random pronouns

Girl you are my sweet pear half in your own heavy syrup. I love you pls marry me sweet pear

by Brexi is sexi December 4, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in

Cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in

Guy 1-"Yo I just engaged in cutting his peen in half so I can stick my peen in."
Guy 2-"Is that when you are cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in?"
Guy 1-"Yea it is"
Guy 2-"Thats fucking hot"

by MinecraftProPlayer200 November 6, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

I sold you an ounce of skunk, and you thought it was a four and a half.

Insult. Often described as the worst insult around, if someone uses it the reciever has been known to pass out with lyrical shock.
First heard used by the MC: Devilman against Skepta in lord of the mic 2.

person 1: your rhymes are swag. KMT
Person 2: o yeah?, well I sold you an ounce of skunk, and you thought it was a four and a half.

Person one passes out.

by MichaelKalugin9 April 1, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexagesimal E.T. Dreidel-spinning Finger Fucking Double Shaft Licking Half Foot Mouth Party

A sex position involving 6 girls and 1 guy, where each member has an active role in pleasuring said male.
There are two females positioned at each station: the penis, the fingers, and the mouth.
One girl takes on the shaft while the other takes on the head.

One girl takes each arm and puts the male's fingers in any hole possible. Preferably both use the same hole to give the scene a symmetric view.

Lastly, two girls use their tongues and lips on the entirety of the guy's mouth. By the end of the session, there should be no spit in his mouth that belongs to him.

This is a great position to use when you simply have too many girls to attend to at once. If you happen to have more girls, you can place them on your stomach and chest - work anything out. I prefer to have them just sit there, until the point when I lose my breath and succumb more to the ladies positioned at the fingers.
If you would so desire, any extra girls can work on the feet.

Simply add +1 to the name of this position for each extra girl you have, up to +3. Anyone who has 10 girls at once could risk their performance during the exercise, so please use caution.

Last night I used the sexagesimal E.T. dreidel-spinning finger fucking double shaft licking half foot mouth party +2 with my lady friends. It is now my favorite position, and I refuse to use anything else.

by Im Judy :) August 25, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

The long neverending demented cartoon movie that lasts almost like, half a fucking HOUR, damn you! I hate myself, go to hell. 400000004!

I don't know, I'm just really, really drunk.

You looked this up?

by ACDC FOREVAR!!!111 May 19, 2004

184๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

a half-grade

Between two grades.

You're probably in a half-grade.

by RedSaber9 June 14, 2022