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After Show

Videos for patreons of the Australian youtuber DankPods.
*clap* heyyyy- it's the after show!

P1: "You watch Dankpods?"
P2: "Yeah! I actually have his patreon."
P1: "Nice, I don't wanna spend that much money so I don't have it."
P2: "The after show is $1 a month..."

by EndFan June 19, 2021

Basement Show

A term that American fraternities use to denote rituals that take place in their basements. These include hazing or other things they do in their basement that no one else can ever see or hear about.

That little pussy freshman almost died last night in the Basement show.

by DickJohnson12345 September 4, 2019

Cock showing

A competition between two males to see who is the biggest swinging dick aka “cool guy

There was a major cock showing when John and Jim competed over who had more swagger with the ladies

by KK901 October 3, 2019

The Show

What white people call the movie theatre

You kids wanna see the new harry potter movie at the show this weekend?

by CpTn_Ghad September 18, 2019

Urban dictionary won't show my cringe definitions

I want to see them god-damn you!!

"urban dictionary won't show my cringe definitions" "i could've becoming internet famous!!!"

by comrade susi wolf December 18, 2021

Kitty show

A dog show, but for pussys, if you know what I’m saying.

Can we pleeeeeeeease watch the kitty show on xvideos

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 11, 2023

Show "someone" the time

A threat to kill someone.

Inspired from an old tradition of carrying out execution sentences in the "Piazza San Marco", Venice, Italy. The convict will be facing the infamous clock "Torre dell'Orologio" and the last thing he'll be seeing is "time".

-Person A: Yo Tony, if you don't get me that money in 2 days, I'm gonna show you the time!

Show "someone" the time

by Blackteawithmint September 27, 2019