Do I really need to add more sentences here? I don't? Ok ur a candy coated turd
The name of an old mans penis who loves anal sex, while living in a nursing home.
My grandpa got his dusty turd pencil too close to a CNA and now he is banned from the nursing home.
A self defense method to be used if you are on the toilet during an attack or invasion. You first stand up, grab hold of your tactical turd, then proceed to toss your tactical turd at the attacker or uninvited guest.
I was in The Oval Office when I heard a windoe break, I didn't have a weapon so I did a Tactical Turd Toss and sent that would be robber running covered in shit.
A Turd Which Eats Eric Fukin Cartman
Oooh God Look Out for The Cartman Eating Turd
Buying a collectible from a third party at a show/convention etc. whose prices are outrageously more than what they retailed for.
I paid turd party pricing from a third party vendor on collectible X which originally sold for $20 at the original retailer.
When you shat out so much product that it fills the bowl and goes from a standard submariner, to a surface piercing turd. Above water the turd releases it dragon breath
I ate so much fish last night I laid out a surface piercing turd.
The use of a word or term, that is strategically created to manifest its effects in the longer term future. The bomb aspect refers to the explosive nature or affect that devastates the old structures, primarily utilised for social engineering purposes by governments or groups to change the narrative to match their desired outcomes and objectives.
In Nazi Germany, they used Linguistic turd bombs that were at first mild. This strategy was to prepare the population for their secret objectives.
Linguistic Turd Bombs were constantly being dropped into their propaganda Words , so Linguistic Turd bombs like unclean, dirty, soon developed into far more sinister terms such as rats and other dehumanising terms.
This guy is a real Linguistic turd bombing character, always trying to manipulative , to conceal his ultimate goal, when its too late to know where it came from.