Source Code

one call away

A song by the rapper Chingy on his album called Jackpot. The song was recorded in 2003, and released in February 2004.

Man: "Hey, do whats your favorite Chingy song?"

Woman: "Hmm.. One call away! It never gets old!"

by ivmsjfhxx June 21, 2010

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call someone who cares

Politer version of call someone who gives a shit.

Your homework is late again, Douggie.
Call someone who cares.

by octopod November 22, 2003

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the title given to a useless tramp who is only good for fucking. bitch is so worthless that it isn't even worth remembering her stupid name.

jay-zebra: man i fucking railed that hoe so hard she started calling me Amtrak
kanye: fool what was her name
jay-zebra: i didn't take the time to learn twat-cha-ma-call-it's name... and rightfully so, she's useful
kanye: true dat
jay-zebra: ditto

by mride123456 February 18, 2008

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Call of Duty Care Package

You organize and create a care package out of an old shoe box, then cut a large(or small) hole in the side it to insert your cock. Once the box is set up and ready to go, insert your well erected cock into the whole, walk up to your partner and say,"I'm on a kill streak, but you can have my package." they open up the top of the box and are welcomed by a lovely splooge on the face.

"Call of Duty Care Package" When you get a 5 kill streak on any Call of Duty, but this example is strictly for home.

by Bro Your Ugly November 14, 2011

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Call Me By Your Name

Signed copy of the Holy Bible

-Hey Samuel, let's read this signed copy of the holy bible titled "call me by your name".

-Sure, i can read, i exist outside of a grey box and i'm not merely an invented conversation between two guys.

by Patoshervidosadomicilio February 8, 2018

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Call of Duty: Whack Ops

The best description of COD7. Broken game which took about half a step forward and 15 back, no wonder COD doesn't progress much each year with this shit happening!

Worse gameplay, awful hit detection, unbalanced guns (again), awful sound, shite graphics etc. The worst game in the COD series, which after COD3 and COD5 is saying something big.

1: "wanna come to mine and play black ops?"
2: "wait you mean that steaming pile of horseshit Call of Duty: Whack Ops?"
1: "no, I said black ops"
2: "yes, that's just what I said; whack ops. The worst game of 2010 hands down"

by slipshoddread October 17, 2011

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

1. An example of how not to make a game.
2. What retards jerk off to.

When someone mentions Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare you beat them up.

by YaBoyCheesecake October 24, 2017

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