See "dumb as a bag of rocks" ... my deceased dad used to use the term alot.
You're about as dumb as a box of rocks ... /duh!
One of the big reasons I left LAS VEGAS , HENDERSON AND PARADISE NEVADA.
As a JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE I got tired of these DUMB ASS FAGGOTS PART I who were METH HEADS and had sympathizers and for years bowed down to a METH HEAD AND METH DISTRIBUTER MATTHEW SHEPPARD and on top of that they TRESPASS me for not doing METH or going along with it and at the time CELINE MARIE CLAUDETTE DION was on their side along with the CEO MATTHEW O MADDOX of WYNN RESORTS INTERNATIONAL but I had to run away which I wanted anyway to SILICON VALLEY as my LIFE WAS SAVED BY ALPHABET and not only that because things turned 180 degrees since there had to be sophisticated meth intervention of CELINE MARIE CLAUDETTE DION to save her LIFE it is now boomeranging back in these DRUG THUG DRUG DEN supporter faces and especially all DUMB ASS FAGGOTS PART I that are still perverse about the before things change sympathizers like GARY the MANAGER at HAWKS who TRESPASSED me two years ago when he was manager at THE ENTOURAGE at the time in NOVEMBER 2019 because I threatened to kill a meth head that ran lit a crystal meth in my face and almost set the drapes afire and LOU ANNE said he was so scared he ran out naked and GARY again said I was TRESPASSED at HAWKS GYM AND SPA now the manager.
when you discriminate/dehumanise dumb people.
eg when you realise that u have literally no chances of being anything successful bc ppl only want smart ppl in jobs >:(
like where r my dumb lawyers?? dumb bankers??? dumb engineers?? ppl like to say that smart ppl make the world go round. that is incorrect. without dumb ppl there would be no humor we would have a soulless world. dumb ppl tend to be less egotistical, which is cool ig.
person 1: sorry but u r too stupid to apply for this job at greggs. u cant be trusted with an oven, u might burn urself or ur fellow employees :/
A negative expression to express when you feel you did something wrong or incorrectly. (The opposite of the more positive "Am I smart?")
I tried to do my math homework; here are my answers: Am I dumb?
This makes no sense... Am I dumb?
I can't do this, Am I dumb?
When someone does something so stupid it deserves to be recognised.
Bex seriously just walked into that glass door for the 10th time today... that’s a dumb whore move if I’ve ever seen one!