Man work (in American English) also known as majesticness or general bad assery is a term generally used in the fire service. It’s almost exclusively reserved to describe the extensive physically and/or mentally demanding work typically done on a daily basis by the crew of a heavy rescue company.
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Our task is not to bring order out of chaos, but get work done in the midst of chaos…
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Don’t thank us for doing our job
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Work hard every day
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Pride & Ownership
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The Rescue-1
Rescue-1 is on scene, we will be doing man-work…
A backseat worker is someone who is telling you how to do your job when. They can't do their own job
Are you really hovering over me and backseat working rn
Taken from legendary pro wrestler Hulk Hogan who would use the phrase to turn down any decision that didn't benefit him. Now used as a way of turning something/anything down emphatically
Boss: Can you stay pass your shift?
You: That's not gonna work for me brotha!
Dishonest work equates to ill-gotten gains. Like overcharging an elderly person for something they didn't need in the first place or writing a master's thesis on a non-relevant subject that is useless just because you wasted your life on it.
- "I wrote a master's thesis on this thing called Kancolle"
- "Man that sure is DISHONEST work you did there, why waste your life"
It is used to describe when someone goes to thier place of employment whenever they want and leave whenever they want, with or without having a stipulated work time.
Q) Do you have work tomorrow?
A) semi-work