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Internet Explorer

1 to 11 versions, IE or MSIE was first introduced on a Plus package for Windows 95.
IE was later succeeded by Microsoft Edge.

Yo my pc doesnt work no more... I think i shoudve updated Internet Explorer before i downloaded that loli

by Me,Mario January 28, 2019

Internet Explorer

A web browser that is used to access the internet. (just like every other web browser) Lots of websites do not support Internet Explorer anymore and it has been replaced by Microsoft Edge.

How would you use the Internet Explorer in a sentence? Nobody knows what it is and this is my very first definition on this website.

by ausboss20001 October 7, 2023

Internet Explorer

The slowest brow........

Internet Explorer
Person 1: I jus Loading.......

by Griffo mo November 1, 2020

internet explorer

it’s slow but it’s still faster than your crush’s replies

internet explorer was a chrome downloaded tool

by Kanye Southeast May 27, 2023

Internet explorer

Pure stupidity. The only Microsoft browser you should instantly delete and blow up.

Guy 1: did you hear about internet explorer?
Guy 2: ikr its the dumbest fucking app ever

by Dudecrushgaming November 22, 2018

internet kitties

Cats but on the internet. They can vary from appropriate to nsfw content. Most often found in memes

My grandma just sent me some pictures of internet kitties, but one is hentai...

by FootSmeller420 July 12, 2021

Welcome to the Internet

1. It is a song by Bo Burnham
2. It could also be used to reply to stupid comments, normally on YouTube.

¹ Person 1: Welcome to the Internet
Person 2: Have a look around

² Person 1: Omg guys stop using the 🤓 emoji it's so annoying!!!
Person 2: Welcome to the Internet!

by HERMEEEES_dawling September 3, 2023