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Before mean't , Lots Of Laughture or Laughing Out Loud

But now its mean Lack Of Laughture because no one actually laughts when they use it.

Retard 1: Then I smack his mother is the face!
Retard 2 *not laughing*:lol

by ROFLANATOR November 26, 2009


It means Laugh Out Loud

haha that was so funny...LOL

by Katherine908675342643 June 27, 2011


you’re probably a 50 year old grandma/grandpa or you’re just bored.

oi tommy what is ‘lol’?”

by AStraightGayPerson November 10, 2020


lots of love

lol you

by pog4life August 22, 2019


A acronym used when chatting online, or even IRL.

Dude, this guy at the skate park earlier today fell on his ass in front of like 30 people LOL

by Mr. Tootsie October 28, 2020


Laugh Out Loud this is used when something is funny, when the person doesn't know what to say, or sometimes when the person is being sarcastic

bob: that party was crazy
rick: word especially when the stripper heel slapped you
bob: -_- LOL

by teddy rodgers January 16, 2012


A clumsy way of saying f*** you

LOL you

by Regez46 November 5, 2018