Someone who appears to be intoxicated but is comparatively sober. Lost in the sauce. In other words people obsessed with tick tok and watched too many cartoons as a kid. Not retarded per say. But on the way.
That space cadet Lennie won’t stop talking about Starbucks.
A person who travels from place to place without a care in the world often causing a nuisance. Someone who goes about there daily duties care free and at high speed.
Look at that girl go, she must be a space cadet!
someone who is living like they were in another world like from outer space
Dude, here comes the space cadet , Houston we have a problem... Earth to space cadet come in for landing.
Meaning your out there in space, lost in the sauce, far out there as if you were a space cadet.
Player messing around in weight room:
An individual who is slow; spacey, a little to happy, off the ball, picked last, generally oblivious
Pay attention space rock. That space rock has no idea what's going on.
When someone Who is an Astronaut, Or A Worker at a Space Agency, or simply someone In Love with Space becomes a Yandere.
Have you heard that Alice is a Space Yandere?!
now your even more bored than zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymjukilop your 1 quark away from the 6th stage of boredom. your so bored you press every single button on the keyboard
im bored af esc f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 `1234567890-= delete tab qwertyuiop\ caps lock asdfghjkl;' return shift zxcvbnm,./ shift fn control option command space command option up down left right