Beige bitch is the prodigy daughter of Karen. Usually named Victoria, Stephanie, and Alexis. Live Laugh Love. Bedroom decor consists of an array of colors being peach, white, tan(beige), with trims of gold and seashells. Has no unique interests and hobbies include taking pictures at the beach with friends while creating a heart with their hands. Drinking all of the boxed wine, getting way too drunk and makes a complete full of herself, i.e. trying to bang every dude at the bar. Blonde balayage.
Do you see that beige bitch over there drinking her latte.
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somebody who grows up on a farm, is obsessed with nascar, rides tractors all day and usually has a gap in their teeth.
That tractor bitch just bought a 120,000 dollar pickup
General complaining, whining, bitching, crying, pissing and moaning and moping done in any order or all together.
Casey Ferrell is very proficient in the art of bitch squealing.
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Hoes that are cut and chopped by real queens.
I feel so bad for that blender bitch. But then again she's trash.
the dirty stuff between relationships. like grout between tile.
the bitch a man runs to between relationships to get a quick piece of ass and self esteem boost until he goes back to whom he likes or someone he actually wants a relationship with...
He spent about a week sexting grout bitch from 8 years ago before we decided to get back together...
That grout bitch is on round three with this guy, when will she learn?
A derogatory demand that requires immediate commpliance from an offender in order to compensate the offended party for a rediculous or otherwise stupid action.
Adapted from World Sailing/ISAF Rules: If a boat fouls another boat during a race and is then protested, the offending boat must complete one or two penalty spins at the first available opportunity without causing any further fouls.
Jake knocked Mike's beer over. Mike then exclaimed "SPINS BITCH!". Jake had no choice but to immediately spin twice, as a result of his stupidity.
A girl who constantly seeks the same toxic relationship/person because it’s her comfort place. She’ll always run back to him.
“Why does Lana always take him back despite how toxic he is?”
“Because she’s a Venice Bitch”