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Post Street Disorder (PSD)

A mental illness and conditions that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed while living on the streets homeless for a short or long term period. Symptoms may include flashbacks or nightmare as well as uncontrollable thoughts about traumatic event(s) experienced on the street, severe anxiety, anti-social behavior, violent tendencies, low self-esteem, depression, suicidal tenancies, increased drug and/or use, criminal conduct.

As a proximate cause of the person being homeless on the street they suffer from Post Street Disorder (PSD).

by SWROBERTS August 13, 2018

Fake Post Malone Fan

Fake Post Malone Fan:

Fake Post Malone Fan: Lexi

by Da Pot Pirate August 6, 2018

post-Spring Break Blues

Feelings of sadness and loss of motivation after returning from Spring Break festivities

"My doctor diagnosed me with post-Spring Break blues after I got back from my trip from Cabo last week. I just don't have the will to move on."

by hwls2019 March 13, 2019

Post Mole Defecate Syndrome

After you take a mole and having the feeling to shit uncontrollably

*rips bong*
Ryan: Damn bro I gotta SHIT!
Max: Haha u have Post Mole Defecate Syndrome.
Gabe: Run to the toilet retard.

by TheMostDieselManInSC October 11, 2019

post long term syndrome

After a long term relationship ends, it is common that a person involved in the breakup will then go on to have a rebound that turns into another relationship. This rebound (compared to a normal rebound) moves very quickly and tends to be emotionally and physically intimate from the get go, as if picking up where the ended relationship left off instead of starting anew.

The person with post long term syndrome often is unaware of their condition. The new relationship often ends terribly due to the improper handling of emotions from the past relationship.

Symptoms of post long term syndrome can include: committing to the new partner too quickly, copious amounts of time with the new person, ignoring the pain from the last breakup and covering it up with feelings for the new partner, etc.

Oh man that break up was rough, they were together for 5 years. It's only been a month since things ended, but Cameron already found a new partner! Did you hear they already said 'I love you' and are moving in together this Spring? His post long term syndrome is awful.

by sadlyimnotafairy April 27, 2022

post eruption magma ooze

after a male ejaculates, take your thumb and forefinger, pinch the post coitus flaccid penis (like you’re are squeezing out the last bit of mayonnaise from a package from chik fil a) from the base to the tip and that is what comes out and oozes down onto your fingers

ejaculates male flaccid mayonnaise chik fil a post coitus post eruption magma ooze

by ReXXXgoliath September 23, 2013

Post Traumatic Jazz Disorder

Having bad memories from a jazz band. A horrible incident which could be physically or emotionally damaging revolving around jazz or is from jazz band and is remembered often.

I have Post Traumatic Jazz Disorder after David hit me with a saxophone in jazz band.

by GingerLego320 February 23, 2021