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National Snog a Fat Man Day

On October 22nd, you are legally obliged to snog fat men if you see them, no permission needed. Particularly ones with beards.

Oh hey, tomorrow is National Snog a Fat Man Day.

by Teepy D October 21, 2022

clever day

There is a national dumb day so why not have a national clever day. This is on 20th November. Have fun on this day but dont leave out any dumb friend-

You can go up to anyone and say "hey its clever day today and you're so clever" 'coz why not.

by November 4, 2021

panini day

panini day

it is panini day

by bellaissexy1127 April 19, 2021

National gymnastics manager day

On December 15th it’s national gymnastics team manager day where you shower your manager in gifts

Oh my god Jenny happy national gymnastics manager day!

by Bomieboy69 December 2, 2021

National slag day

You can beat and give butt to all the boys you want And you can dress like a thot

Man-yo suck my dick
Man-its national slag day
Women-oh let me put on my bunny costume
Man-aye call your friend we finna have a threesome

by Bigtittybrenda November 1, 2019

Breed a femboy day

February 4th is international breed a femboy day. It's a day where everyone is encouraged to breed their femboy as many times as they want, as long as they consent.

Guy: Tomorrow is breed a femboy day, nice
Femboy: Cool see you tomorrow :3
Guy: Wait what

by femboyluvver423 February 4, 2024

Basket slap day

On Halloween you can hit anyone With your candy basket and not get in trouble.

Basket slap day is when you can Slap your brother with your candy basket and not get in trouble

by Spiderboy18 October 19, 2019