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International Rammy Day

International Rammy Day takes place on the 1st of November every year. Rammy is a famous character based off the Anthony Ramos who's birthday is today. On International Rammy Day people are expected to curl their hair and sing like sheep.

Person 1: Yo, why your hair so curly?
Person 2: It's International Rammy Day!!!
Person 1: Aw fuck, I better go curl my hair now and sing like a sheep.

Person 1: Happy International Rammy Day!
Person 2: Yo! You remembered too!

by Saenovi November 1, 2018

Top Slop Day

Where girls give all boys "Head" and pleasure them this National Day falls on October 8th. While ending at 10/09/2020 at 12:00AM

Alexa, What is Top Slop Day

by Alexa Q+A October 8, 2020

Bird day

Two words that are said at New Renaissance Middle School by jits

No one:
Jits: Bird Day

by yoodaitzj April 12, 2019


MDMA Day (Molly Day, Ecstasy Day, Rolling Day) is on March 4th, celebrating the use of MDMA. The full name of MDMA is 3,4-Methyl enedioxy methamphetamine. Using the 3 and 4 helped create the official day. Created by Denkai

Person 1: Yo are you celebrating MDMA Day?
Person 2: I love you bro
Person 1: Haha give me your other pill

by Flaredx April 18, 2023

Rape Day

Rape Day Is not a Thing And All the Guys Searching This Get off Off Here My dude Girls Are Not toys Or kids So they Should not be Treated like one!!!!

Random Guy: Hey its Rape Day!!!
Y/N: Then (Bleep) Off

by •Ivy Playz• August 13, 2021

Rape day

You think its ok to fuck anyone without consent do you. well, it's not you fucken weirdo men, women, girls, boys even animals are not sex toys if your horny GO WATCH PORN ASSHOLE JUST DON'T RAPE PEOPLE

Someone: hey! what are you going to do for rape day I'm going to rape that girl across the street *smiles*

some else: call the police if you actually do that.

by Stupid_child June 16, 2022

Rape Day

A fake day sick minded people came up with to validate their disgusting thoughts.

"Hey did you know its rape day?"

"Get tf out of my sight."

by Unmotivated high achiever January 14, 2022