There are two levels of hotness.
A) Hot as fuck
B) fuck as hot
Yeah, your girl is hot as fuck but Lisa (my girl) is FUCK AS HOT
Fredikin the Fucking Tank is an old myth not said to be real but is stated to be the most powerful form of any living being in the universe. He is said to be powered off of pure rage. It was said to be birthed after the death of his hamster which fuelled his anger out of control creating Fredikin the Fucking Tank. It has been a long time since anyone has claimed any sightings of him but the prophecy says he will be unleashed one day when he is truly needed.
No because I'm Fredikin the Fucking Tank.
I choose the only book; Proforming "Magic Tricks," found from the library index, under the genre *Magic*.
<The Guy that>
*Sucked The Fuck*
4 Years go by; Shuan, "sucking the fuck": A statement that didn't have a meaning but had value. as a 5 year old, Shuan didn't know where he learnt words or their "True," meanings but one day ...
4 years go by then*Magic Happens
Shuan and a bunch of classmates, bored waiting for the doors to their classroom to be unlocked. By their teacher, while talking to us, we kids were throwing clods of dirt from the garden, at a wall next to the classroomdoor.
Next to his teacher. The Words.. "Suck" slowly appeared as we, "Fuck".....threw dirt lower at > "The" wall.
Suck the Fuck
I Instantly remember my *Magic
I started playing opposite day*
I Proformed magic for the last 4 years without even reveling the "TRICK"
Being at a Catholic Primary School aged 5. Oh, Sacred Heart.
In one day of school: Sean; Made the Principal think every pen at once has ran out of ink, Instantly, Made his teacher Suck The Fuck, Question her reality as to how those words appeared and why? A Message From God Perhaps? The Devil?
And sent the game "Opposite Day", eventually GLOBAL.
Untill this day we are all still sucking the fuck out of life playing opposite day.
Here's some MAGIC
Suck the fuck Up.
LoL Lots of Love.
Ps. Dirt sticks to Wax.
Suck the Fuck up Joe Roagn, I know I made you cry in front of me. and yes I told my brother about it, he asked you about crying and you denied, not just crying. But everything we had experienced that night! You made it Gay not my Gay Brother, / LOVE X I ended up in a mental institution for a week. SUCK THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU.
When you are only talking to a girl only for sex. Equivelant to Smash and Dash or Hit it and Quit it
Brandon: Man she is really hot but super clingy!
Mike: Dude, You gotta Fuck it and Ruck it
Brandon: Ohhh like Smash and Dash
Mike: Yeah but make sure you grab your shit
The biggest piece of shit to ever be on this WORLD. Pure poison.
Why are you serving me those fucking beans? You know I hate those.
Engaging in sexual intercourse inside of a closet. In some cases it is a fetish for the thrill of hiding or getting "caught".
Eric and I were closet fucking because we didn't want his friend Jenny to hear us while she played call of duty. After the closet fucking he passed out and I built a snowman with Jenny.