March 18th is the day of the dread (dreadheads) celebrate with family members of your dreadhead birthday!
"Oh mi amor, it's The Day of the Dread"
This day (April 8th) is national boobie day so that means that if someone asks to touch, see, or get sent a picture of your boobies you have to let them
Hey it’s April 8th you know what That mean? It’s national boobie day
Beat a straight day is a day where you can beat any person, male/female who is attracted to the opposite sex. This occurs every year on the 27th of February.
I cannot wait for beat a straight day
4th of May, the Day that celebrates the People of Gamejolt defeating a racist Undertale Hater and Sex Offender named Lokman and it couldn't have been done without Banana_dreemurr and his dream
Person 1: it's Anti-Lokman day
Person 2: what's that
Person 1: the day that celebrates the defeat of Lokman
A day where we celebrate the green splatoon squid idol waifu herself, Marie.
Me: IT'S MARCH 13~!
Random dude: What's so special about March 13?
on march 10th is maya appreciation day because itsvthe 69th day of the year
(on leap years it’s march 9th)
founded by goa
oh fuck it’s mays appreciation day today better put on my banana costume
23.oct is the day were you beat Traffic lights bc they don’t go green (Actually they are already green you just didn't notice and you did just looked dumb and stupid)
beat traffic lights day
you: (Aggressively beating traffic lights)
friend: bro wtf are you doing
you: ITS NOT GOing- green....
you: (looking stupid)