"An untitled looser that has no friends"
Dang, V from 'Mark Jay And V' is a real loser
V: To speak in a purposely funny way; to talk like you are the class clown.
She might just end up as a comedian in TikTok or something like that because of her v habit.
A "V" Party is another term for a pot party.
Remember the 60's? Flashing the peace sign?
The Peace Symbol, the everlasting "V".
"V" stands for peace, or passing a peace pipe.
We're gonna just chill, pass a few joints, and have a "V" party.
Similar to rubber necking. Walking into a room in the middle of someone else's meeting. Often in the hope of building dossier of gossip or look down a woman's v-neck jumper.
Did you see that filthy perve of a HR manager v - necking Jill's cleavage?