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heavy metal

music genre that can infuse even the most sad romantic song with anger, making you feel the bitterness behind the soft flowing words, previously too subtle, before this translation, teaching us not to make the mistake of idealising toxic, co-dependant situations, and glorifying drama as passion - "It must have been love", a good example, and what many like to focus on when looking at their relationships.
for the keen introspecter, there will be truth to the words "heavy metal broke my heart".

researcher: what heavy metal would you recommend?
Doug: i think i'm gonna go with osmium.

by wokeup2this July 16, 2022

Heavy Metal

The best damn thing you’ll ever hear

You know you are listening to heavy metal when it’s got a 3 minute intro then lyrics about death or war or it’s just so distorted you can’t hear the lyrics I recommend if you plan to get into metal you should start with less heavy bands like cannibal corpse or sodom if you can’t listen to a cannibal corpse song all the way through you are a pussy

by Scuba Shlog April 23, 2021

heavy metal

The heaviest subgenre of rock music. It originated in the UK and US in the late 1960s. The differences between rock and metal is, rock mainly focuses on eighth notes and metal on sixteenth notes, rock mainly uses only electric guitar while metal uses generally a mixture of bass guitar and electric guitar, metal is a type of rock that replaces all the happiness with either depression, sadness, anger or fear.

I listen to hard rock more than heavy metal

by Dogmilk57 Nightcore March 13, 2021

metal rope

An autistic way to say wire, used by chakens.

"Yo go to home depot to buy some metal rope and hang yourself with it"

by Space Shaken May 5, 2018

metallic forging

the government using metallic minerals in your body to create sicknesses.

The metallic forging sent the middle class citizen to the medical doctor several times a year.

by Coop Dupe June 1, 2018

Holistic vibe metal

A genra of music which combines aspects of melodic metal and populer rock to create a 'vibe' focused sub genra of metal.

Holistic Vibe Metal often takes into account aspects of the 'whole' listening experiance, for example emotions and vibrations that listeners may feel.

Holistic Vibe Metal first started to emerge in early 2018 and originates from the South Coast of England.

My favourite genra is Holistic Vibe Metal.

by Smash Fontain March 4, 2018


Whilst listening to in headphones full blast the heavy metal band "dark funeral" you must insert a pair of drum sticks up your bumhole and stack donuts on your dick, whilst whistling the tune to "who wants to be a millionaire simultaneously machine gunning your ass looking into the eyes of a kidnapped victim you earlier abducted during the day, forcing them to watch you climax.

Myles proceeded to force his victim to watch him as he started "heavy metal frogging" himself, they watch for over three hours!

by 666blxck October 22, 2023