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redneck anime


Person 1: Hey dude, did you watch the WWE match between Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins?

Person 2: Nah dude. I don't watch Redneck Anime

by ReigninBlood44 June 14, 2022

Stephanie Animates

Stephanie Animates is a animator on YouTube. She makes short little clips of art,videos, and other stuff. It's been proven that Stephanie Animates is a sweet,loving,and caring person who puts other before herself in every situation. Stephanie Animates has a disorder called MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder, containing Julie,Adam,Vixent and Samantha. All ages are unknown.

Stephanie Animates can get a bit dark and scary at time. If someone hurts her or her friends or family, shes no stranger to protect the peoples she cares about, even if it becomes violent. Overall, Stephanie Animates is a pretty great person and once you get to know her, shes a pretty cool person.

Stephanie Animates; A sweet person
People like to Animate
Cartoons are animated

by Purplekittyanimates May 10, 2021

Stephanie Animates

An underrated animator from Youtube! She’s been through a lot, but no matter what, her fans still love her!

Person 1: Hey do you know Stephanie Animates?

Person 2: I think I’ve seen her before, idk

Person 1: Well go check her out! She’s really cool!

Person 2: Alright!

by YourLocalFemboy May 9, 2021

A Anime Female

Asian women slur

If you want a smart wife who can do maths but can’t drive get you a anime female.

by Gmv December 24, 2023

animal wrongs

A group which often takes "Hitler was a vegetarian" to mean we should mimic him, such as Sea Shepherd.

She trained her cat to be a vegan. Talk about animal wrongs!

by sunkanunpa November 8, 2011

Anime Boys

The fake people most people like to watch and grown and develop a crush on them but we can not date them.

I love Levi Ackerman, Kirishima Ejiro, Eren Jegar, Gojo Satori, and many more anime boys.

by SAFFFFFFIE September 28, 2021

Anime Boy

someone know as a freak who watches anime and who is male.

Taton is an Anime Boy

by spicykitty222 November 26, 2021