A body shot, in which alcohol is poured in a man's foreskin. Is sometimes also refered/ called 'Brother Tom is drowning'
The club got crazy when Marcus asked to try a Drunk Friar with his new friend.
A drunk makeout is not a hookup. Whether you are friends or strangers, making out is a hobby while you are drunk, once you exceed a makeout and go to anything more physical it is then a hookup and no longer just a "DRUNK MAKEOUT"
I had a drunk makeout with Kate last night, but we didn't hookup.
basically men are filled with hormones and are filled with certain inate desires, that have been further groomed by the sculptor that is evolution. and it has grown to become more than the desire to procreate, but rather further the development of our intellect by inappropriate means.
"i was alone, with my drunk mans mentality, and was stuck with an ultimatum to reveal or conceal."
Drunker than one usually is after the same drinks consumed
Last week I had 6 shots and I was fine, this week I had 3 and I'm double drunk
Someone who gets so drunk (usually at a dive bar) that it is apparent to everyone that they should call a professional to get them home.
Typically these are 40-60 year old men that wear depends and occasionally fall asleep mid sentence.
Bar Patron #1: This old fucker at South River Bar was so wasted he fell asleep while hitting on some fat road whore.
Bar Patron #2: Shit that asshole is Taxi Cab Drunk, hope he has his diapers on!
When you change your race to Native American and get blacked out drunk. This also results in kicking walls and anything that is bolted to the ground.
Bro, I just downed this 26... I'm gonna get Chris drunk tonight!
being drunk for a minimal of 48 hours with periods of blacking out involved
"Bro, everybody's back in plano this weekend. What are we doing?"
"Getting plano drunk of course"