A man or woman who acts like a cock sucking piece of shit that can only get fucked by using dirty macking tactics.
Damn Larry is such a Jake, he told my girl sum bullshit about the party last weekend.
A complete idiot. Pulls so many shit pranks and always gets in trouble 😂
Omg he is such a jake ugh 😑
Jake, big eyes and looks sort of like a lizard almost every girl has liked him at one point. He seems like a fuck boy and he kind of is but when you see his true colours you see that his life is depressing. don’t date a jake cause he’ll cheat. Apparently he’s hot aswell
girl 1: jake is SO hot
girl 2:girl we’ve been knew
Jake Is Faster Than Usain Bolt He Is Pure Black He Has A GIGANTIC DICK and is very single he also needs subscribers so sub to VerbalAssassinVEVO And add him on sc SkrrtBoiJake verbalassass1n
Fuck Me Daddy(Jake)
A Cunt with no friends, no life, and no cock. He is jealous of guys with GF's and he tries to ruin them but he is too retarded. His brains spill out of his fucking ears when he laughs like a fucking maniac. He is a shit talker even though the only shit around is the vomit coming out of his fucking mouth.
Jake sucks dick, and I caught hi wanking