Anyone kind, caring, possibly a fairy. She will listen to your problems even if you’re annoying With it and her name will almost always start as Kassidy. And she is guarantied to have a beautiful Full smile and a contagious laugh.
Joe: hey, did you see Kassidy over there?
Matt: oh her, Of course! she’s perfect!
You are the absolute d e f i n i t i on of perfect. You are my light, my life, my love. Literally I love you so much <3
Oh my lord, Rahi Toth is so perfect...i might ask her to marry me!
Holy cow! This perfect girl, named Rahi Toth, is my wifey!
sirius orion black III, marauder, born november 3rd 1959, husband to remus john lupin
person one: yo describe perfect
a smart person: sirius orion black, about 5'7, absolutely gorgeous and remus loves him very much
meme page, woman, bonkers(respectfully), beauty.
Hiya/garfies.butt/Holly(Lee)/grandma's.butt is perfect