To say right on with such enthusiasm that it could make one erect
John -hey, raymond I got that order finished and ready to go.
Raymond - right on hard on
Capitalism, fascism, nazism, reverse racial quotas, death penalty, hydroxychloroquine, liberation of rifles, olavism, liberation of grenades, MGTOW/redpill, conservatism, flat earthism, androcentrism, heterosexism, machism, evangelicalism, catholicism, integralism, militarism, neoliberalism, anti-vaccine, patriarchy, freemasonry, christianity, protestantism, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, business dictatorship, chloroquine, privatizations, liberalism, islamism, defense of police or military criminals, celibacy, obligation to marry and obligation to procreate (have children naturally).
I hate right-wing (politics).
Jon - that’s some good shi right there. footfoungus - ong
One who has right-wing values and objectiv, yet is intelligent enough to govern himself through positive anarchy.
It is against Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Fascism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Representative Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism and Abortion.
Among his political views are: gun rights, death penalty, Christian values, free market, abolition of the State or any kind of government, private property, individualism and freedom.
Right-wing anarchism, unlike the preconceived derogatory term, is all about freedom and a stable society.
Droid rights are like women's rights, but real.
Hey don't treat that droid so terribly! It has rights y'know! Droid Rights are a serious issue I've fought hard for!
*In Borat voice* My LiFe! Sorry... I'm not good at accents.
Hym "Yeah! I couldn't have put it better myself! A right-wing conspiracy nut's worst nightmare. Well, I mean, I COULD have put it better myself because I'm a genius and the greatest mind who has ever lived but it's-that's pretty good, yeah... And it's like 'Do you really have a stalker or are you just saying that because you know who I am and you know that I have a stalker and you want use my response to you SAYING you have a stalker (regardless of whether or not it's true) to justify your participation?' You know? Or 'Do you really have a paranoid schizophrenic brother or are you just saying that because you know who I am? Would you be saying any of this if I wasn't here?' It's like you want your behavior to be contingent on my behavior... Without my behavior being ONLY SELECTIVELY CONTINGENT on your behavior. If I do what you want, you're responsible. If I don't, it's on me. And it's NOT ANALOGOUS to MY behavior, because I take FULL CREDIT for the good and the bad. From dead kids to saved souls. Full credit."
Bob himself is indefinable on a spiritual level, meaning bob can never truly fully be comprehended by the human brain
but if you are bob right now the simplest apprehension possible is that you possess amazing qualities and supernatural powers, Bob has no capacity or limit to what he can do because he is bob.
you are bob right now