A person or group of people that are sweet as tea on Sundays because Chick Fil A is closed.
She just a sweet tea christian, nice as pie on Sunday, but the rest of the week she will stab you in the back if you get in her way.
female genitalia - a.k.a. "vagina"
With all of this social distancing, I'm having a heck of a time finding myself some good dilly sweets.
A fetish in which one inserts something high in sugar in their mouth and allow it to dissolve before proceeding to drool or actively eject its broken down remains onto their partner and watch it run off their body or simply just stick there until it eventually becomes absorbed by or stick to their skin.
"I took a big swig from a gallon of fruit punch in which I drowned enough sour patch kids to induce a diabetic coma and then that's when I dumped that huge load of sweet saliva on my dear Delilah."
“i just farted”-boy
“oh sweet dogging ding fin” -girl
Oil. What will soon be costing upwards of $120 a barrel.
I hope the prices of sweet light crude don't go up any higher, otherwise I may have to sell my body so that I can pay for gas.
How you wanna make everything prior to The Inspector coming by to look at your place.
I try to always keep things reasonably clean and tidy around my apartment in any case, but this also lessens the burden of making everything "neat ‘n’ sweet" for da monthly quarters-inspection.
The next level of Greasy Sweet - perfect, flawless and deffinantly not Naff
Those decorations are so Greasy Sweet that they've turned Cheesy Sweet!