We went out to dinner, and then afterwards I had a dinner sausage
To run your hand over a guys pants during a make out session to check if he has an erection.
Sam kissed him fiercely, by the tempature in the room she could tell things were getting hot but she wouldn't know for sure until she sausage rolled Eric.
An eye sausage is a non-technical way to describe the transparent strings which float and drift in your eye. The jelly-like floating substance can form many shapes such as strings, webs, circles and in this instance curvey sausages.
Scholesy: Corr, I keep seeing eye sausages
Chris: Jeez, Scholesy, your vision must be going
Scholesy: You know, it's not a good sign seeing eye sausages floating around
Female: hey honey, you want to have a little fun?
Male: No babe, I'm poking the sausage.
A dick that resembles a sausage
Chandler was embarrassed when she wouldnt sleep with his chuggle sausage
When you’re doing anal and the condom gets stuck in your butt and the next time you poop, the poop comes out wrapped in the condom.
I was doing anal last night and today I pooped an anal sausage.
a shit that's so big it looks like a piece of Sausage floating in the toilet bowl
dude eszy just dropped an anal sausage before the CS-GO tournament