A condom
Have you got a willy welly in your handbag for me I'm a man and I forgot mine.
A sexual position in which the male inserts his cock into a one gallon jug filled with feces and urine, and then a woman gives him a blowjob while the man plays a slide whistle
Damn Joey, I heard Steve gave Cheryl a slide whistle Willie!! I can’t imagine what that tasted like. She must be a real slut
Dreary; A crappy day. Kinda go with the flow kindddaa day.
Girl: Wait she has to track today??
Girl 2: yeahh, its been a willy wompy day for her.
Being able to see a man’s willy bounce through the outline in his shorts as he walks.
Hey Paul, did you see that mother fucker Willy Walkin down the street last night. I swear it was looking at me!!
While in bed receiving fellatio, placing the covers over your partners head, yelling "toot toot" and giving them a dutch oven.
When I want Veronica to really gag on my cock, I give her the old Steamboat Willie!
When a sex partner defecates on your penis and quickly pours ice cold water on it to create steam.
Man, she shit on my dick and then poured ice water on it. Talk about a real steamboat willie!
When you go for a nudie swim/wear boardies that are too big and you body surf a wave and you Willy acts as a motor
"Dude did you just see me Willy motor that wave!!"
"Yeah that was sick dude"