Source Code

Oh my god he on X games mode

A meme, about someone doing something crazy well.

Person 1: *Does Backflip*
Person 2: Oh my god he on X games mode

by Ms. Starbucks January 11, 2021

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b i g r o u x

lots of roux

see my first addition for the definition on roux

guy 1: hey I got "b i g r o u x"
guy 2: that's chill

by CarpetEater is a god agree? October 9, 2019

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xbox live, x-box live, xbx live

Xbox's online gaming service. Allows gamers to go online with Xbox live enabled games and do battle against each other.

Such live-enabled games consist of Biking games, and FPS's (First Person Shooters) and sport titles, more titles are scheduled for this service.

Xbox-live is only functionable via ADSL, Broadband and Cable modems.

If you've got an Xbox, then you've gotta experience "Xbox live"!

by Bruce Lee March 29, 2003

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When you're so incredibly bored that qwertyuiop, asdfghjkl, zxcvbnm, and 1234567890 isn't taken the time you need.

bored type =12-30495867q\weprtoyiua's;dlkdfjhgz/.x,cvmbn.

by mjthfi March 2, 2023

My Hero Boku No X Attack on Hunter

The best anime ever >.< So if u ask someone what their fave anal is just say this

I love My Hero Boku No X Attack on Hunter

by hisokaandkurapikakinnie November 2, 2020

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/><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>

/><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>

/><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>

by bhangar13 January 16, 2018

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you really need something better to do with your life

~+@_#)$(%*^&Q|W}E{RPTOYIUA"S:DLFKGJHZ?X>C<VMBN is the ultimate form of boredom

by the cheese person February 3, 2021

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