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Purple V-Neck Day

The 15th day of every February. On this day, you are to wear a purple v-neck in honor of a legendary douche.

Mr. Klenk: When is Purple V-Neck Day again?

Mrs. Feldman: It's on February 15th, duh.

Mr. Klenk: And what are we supposed to do?

Mrs. Feldman: Wear a purple v-neck, duh.

by KidNapsterz August 21, 2010

bully ronnie day

everyday is bully ronnie day

person 1: "its bully ronnie day"

by punpunhatesronnie September 5, 2022

National kade day

Kade a very pretty name! National kade day means we celebrate all kade’s! National kade day is on September 18th so set your calendars!

Meaning: kade day

You: Hey kade it’s National kade day!
Kade: omg yay!

by Krinckle mcbottom September 18, 2022

Another day, Another victory for the OG'S.

In the hit game "Fortnite" the term "Another day, Another victory for the OG'S." had been a meme for the past month. In the recent fortnite update, fortnite went back in time to their "OG" season,which made alot of "OG" plays comeback. But "OG" Players havent played the game in like 50 fucking years so they dont know what sweats are. Some "OG" players started whining about how sweats ruin the "OG" Season. Which started the war between sweats and "OG'S". The term: "Another day, Another victory for the OG'S." Is usally pared with either an "OG STRAT" or a "OG TRICKSHOT" Theese "OG STRATS" include, Using a emote so people cant see you in a bathtub. And the "OG TRICKSHOTS" could include "Rocket riding, or Sniping someone while falling off a high structure. But they all have the same endings. They dont work out. When the "OG" emotes so they dont see them in the bathtub, the Oppenent, waits till the emote is over and one pumps the "OG" back to lobby. When they try to rocket ride, they end up eliminating themselves. When they try to Snipe someone while falling, They miss the shot and fall to their demise. Ultimatly, Another day, Another victory for the OG'S trend, is basically the sweats way of saying "Its not the 80s anymore"

"Another day, Another victory for the OG'S. Taking down the sweats, the imposters among us."

*falls to death while missing sniper shot*

by THE OG. November 27, 2023

International Jeremy Day

February 5th is Jeremy Fragrance, popular entrepreneur and influence’a birthday. Fans have dubbed in international Jeremy day in his honor!

“I need to go get a new cologne to celebrate international Jeremy Day!”

by Coach Mason Arbuckle February 6, 2024

National “kill all r@pists” day

On May 7th every person who got s€xu@lly assaulted/ r@ped is allowed to legally kill their rapists/ assaulters :)

Random:” Hey what’s today?”
Random 2:” Today is National “kill all r@pists” day! Have fun and be as brutal as you want because the deserve it!”

by Idontknowlmao April 19, 2021

National Make a Calendar Day

The Day of which national day calendar's are made

Yooo it's national make a calendar day, let's make a national calendar

by McCade Mandrel November 27, 2021