Someone who is being completely jerkish
Yo, stop being such a dick stick
somebody who is turned on in what can only be described as absolutely disgusting circumstances (being attracted to little anime girls etc.)
(convo on an anime site)
dick stick: DAMNNNNN SHE KIND A BADDIE THO (talking about Hasegawa Kobato, an underage charater in hagani)
me: For the love of fucking all that is a dinglefuck, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT DICKSTICK
An uppety dick who's being retarded for no good reason
Let's go to Micky Smoke Shop, give the same order, and see if that f****** tart dick gets it right this time.
The act of dressing ones penis like an old timey gentleman. Usually done as a joke or a prank, but tends to lead to an interesting hobby.
Barnaby wanted to impress Lady Queef bottom, so he threw a top hat and monocle on that bad sum bitch and bam. Bitch just got dick balooga. Indubitably.
An unofficial measurement consisting of using human penises to measure an object's volume, accurately.
1 dspci = 5 inches of cock
Since my pencil is about 1.2 dicks per cubic inch, I tried to shove it up in my dream anus and now it's stuck.
It's when Jeon Jungkook falls and trips over his own dick and acts stupid (said lovingly)
Jungkook fell over when he saw his hyung's handsome face and announced it to Twitter, successfully emitting the big dick overload phenomenon
For legal reasons this is a joke