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gradual-ramp-up-volume greeting

Refers to a non-startling strategy employed whenever you are unable to unobtrusively get someone's attention or make eye-contact with him for whatever reason (maybe he's deep in a book, concentrating hard on a household/carpentry task, or using noisy equipment, and thus he does not look up/around occasionally or hear/observe your presence) and so you start out to say hello by speaking very quietly, and then cautiously raising your voice little-by-little (like some modern-day alarm-clocks do so as to wake you "gently" instead of startling you out of a sound slumber with a full-blast ringer right away) till the previously-oblivious person eventually becomes aware of your proximity and glances up.

I'd wanted to ask my elderly neighbor about my possibly carpooling with him on his grocery-shopping trip the next day, but he was so busy using his riding lawnmower that he never noticed me despite my circling around in front of him several times, so I eventually used the gradual-ramp-up-volume greeting to finally get his attention.

by QuacksO August 23, 2018

give it up

Another way to say “you know how i do it” or “what i do” used primarily on the east coast of the United States to explain either what you usually do or what you’re known for.

I don’t know why they play with me , they already know how i give it up.

by 917dxtti October 31, 2022

Give it up

The best song from Victorious

Give it up is a great song!

by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious March 7, 2022

classy turn up

To turn up in a classy way. (i.e., drinking wine - not moscato). Must speak properly and be sophisticated. Cannot act ratchet or sloppy.

Sentence: Yo when Jessica turns 21 she is going to classy turn up.

by runningthruda6 March 23, 2015

feek up

Derivative of "shut the fuck up" usually used when a person is too lazy to say that entire phrase.

(person who you don't like keeps talking and won't shut up)
You say: FEEK UP!

by yeppp.. September 1, 2004

Wake up and smell the music

A phrase used to let someone know they need to recognize the severity of their words. They need to accept reality and see they went too far.

"John, you need to wake up and smell the music. You calling Kathy a whore was really mean."

by Janky Mary July 26, 2021

Laced up

When a person is well connected in the community.

Man that nigga is laced up!! He can get u whatever u want at a good price.

by Lac3d up November 28, 2015