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boyfriend brain trust

A group of discarded girls that No man wants to date. They gather together and give each other advice on dating which seems idiotic because it is. They all have dogs or cats which are their replacements for men.

The boyfriend brain trust is gathering this weekend to decide whether or not Cathy should attempt to date Rich.

by 1chickenfucker February 25, 2017

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Big brain time

A stupid solution of a Problem or thing

Lisa cracked her phone screen and texted Sara
Sara responded with "Take a screenshot so i can see the crack"

Axel "This is big brain time"

by Axmus September 23, 2019

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bad brain day

A day when nothing anyone says to you makes sense, nothing you say makes sense to anyone else (including yourself), following directions proves problematic and items which should be readily locatable cannot be found (or are found only after much searching on top of one's head).

I knew it was going to be a bad brain day when I finally located my keys in the drawer where I always keep them, my glasses on top of my head, and remembered only after entering the now empty garage that my wife had earlier mentioned that it was her yoga day, which meant she was taking the car.

by maximo hudson June 29, 2009

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swiss cheese brain

When you smoke too much weed and you can't remember things as well anymore. Like you have holes in your memory.

Dude I totally forgot. I was so baked, Swiss cheese brain.

by Badbitch24 September 17, 2013

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Darth Vader's brains

the act of a male grabbing his ball sack near the base squeezing out his testicles until the the ball sack skin is smooth in a similar shape to Darth Vader's helmet. Originally performed in a barracks in Quantico, VA 1996.

The first time I showed Darth Vader's brains to my girlfriend she thought It was gross, but now she loves it and asks me to do it all the time.

by Paul Sanchez March 22, 2010

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terminal brain cancer


Furry: OwO *rawrs* UwU
Normal Person: Oh god anyone here a neurosurgeon? this guy has terminal brain cancer!

by asswholethetird February 17, 2022

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Empty Brain Syndrome

- the short-term disease that occurs when one is asked to recall something or give an example to prove their point, but cannot remember anything to do so

-otherwise known as EBS.

Edna: Something weird always seems to happen to me on the 18th of every month at precisely 6.09 at night
Larry: Such as.. ?
Edna: Umm.. I cant remember anything right now
Larry: Ah, empty brain syndrome.

by katykinz. December 5, 2008

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