Source Code

The one who always says you are not Asian oh wait I don't live with her mum

I don't know figure it out yourself I just kept on clicking the middle button of my keyboard and made a master piece.

The one who always says you are not Asian oh wait I don't live with her mum is the weirdest thing I have created by fat

by Your real name is your real na October 19, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the ultimate despair. Watch out for her.

Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the ultimate despair. Watch out for her.

Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the ultimate despair. Watch out for her.

by โ€โ€ January 15, 2021

you were born from your mother's asshole, because her cunt was too busy being fucked by a dog

perhaps the most offensive and all-encompasing insult ever conceived. either Portugese or Afrikaans in origin.

dude1: go on, say "you were born from your mother's asshole, because her cunt was too busy being fucked by a dog"

dude2: you were born from your mother's assho <dude1 punches 2 in face>

by b4stard November 9, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

A phrase used to explain of the lengths one would go through for a female.

I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

by J.N. Growling October 10, 2010

733๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Girl with big breasts, flirtatious, she loves to travel and make men suffer, her favorite color is the black of WhatsApp

Girl with big breasts, flirtatious, she loves to travel and make men suffer, her favorite color is the black of WhatsApp

Girl with big breasts, flirtatious, she loves to travel and make men suffer, her favorite color is the black of WhatsApp

by Lagylegrand November 25, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Her butt has been rear ended too many times. Cat't replace it so bring out the bondo, sandpaper and a grinder.

Her butt has been rear ended too many times. Cat't replace it so bring out the bondo, sandpaper and a grinder.

Her butt has been rear ended too many times. Cat't replace it so bring out the bondo, sandpaper and a grinder.

by Rufymonkeyd February 7, 2020

Hey guys, It's me tyler here with esmeralda I adopted her-" "NO I DONT" "I adopted her from mexico She doesn't know english yet" "SHH" "I donated to charity too, I'm really a good guy" "esmeralda calm down, Ok? we'll get some tacos soon

A phrase made by Tyler The Creator. A celebritiy and rapper. He made this phrase up with kelly clancy's daughter chloe. This is just an inside joke!

Hey guys, It's me tyler here with esmeralda I adopted her-" "NO I DONT" "I adopted her from mexico She doesn't know english yet" "SHH" "I donated to charity too, I'm really a good guy" "esmeralda calm down, Ok? we'll get some tacos soon

by Getting tacos with tyler April 10, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž