To exclude the retard library from your school end work.
Does not apply (just #exclude <retard>).
Intelligence Retardant; adjective;
Can be used when describing the denunciation of a known or proven fact, serving to (slow down) the action/progress of something. Not to be used for mis/disinformation purposes, they’re made up words anyway. Not applicable to feelings.
Saw a video of British police arresting a man that posted a quote online causing a member of the trans mafia to become “triggered” and the police were heard defending the caller, spewing intelligence retardant all over the scene of the “crime”.
The act of making a loud constipated grunting sound at somebody that did something retarded.
"UGGHHH!" <-- Retard Grunt.
Flashback is a Swedish retarded version of the 4Chan forum. The Flasbackians are often retarded and often engage circle jerking activities. A retard is a person who is stupid and has difficulties understanding, therefore a Flashback Retard or a Flashbackian Retard, is a extraordinary retarded person who thinks or acts like a Flashbackian.
Yunis is a flashback retard.
A phrase used by a secretly submissive man under 5'10 to imply his desire for anal sex. Not just any anal sex, this code phrase indicates he wants to be used like a fleshlight and turned inside out.
If your boyfriend, partner or husband uses this phrase, he's begging for a rectal prolapse. Do not listen to his cries for help as you reach for his hairy anus, he is secretly super duper into it. If he fights you off, persist, as he is simply trying to pretend he is heterosexual - he's dying for backshots.
Awww she's retarded is super commonly said by plumber sk8r bois
She glared at him, annoyed that he was taking so long to look up at her from his game of Clash Royale. He looked up and smiled at her: "Awww, she's retarded."
Refer to the art of being a retard
Look at Nicky go, his retardness if flawless.