the most hottest, prettiest, awesomist person in the world.
look it's Piper L! who? ugh nvm you don't deserve to look at her.
Friendship ending in a huge disaster because one of the friends is a bitch and doesn’t care about there sentimental bond they grew throughout there childhood where they suffered from traumatizing events with one another.
Mya made us have an L friendship
dumbass who probably goes to bed at 7pm and is definitely a wikipedia editor and will call you a psychopath or sociopath for doing anything he slightly dislikes
bro i fucking hate Joe-Sleepy-L-2013
yeah ik hes so annoying and a wikipedia editor fr
Last first day abreviation. we use it to name the last first day before graduate from high school
this is our L F D, then I 'll go to medicine university
A handsome, responsible, God fearing Man. Resides in the majestic beauty of Colorado.
Omar L. doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
When your coach, whos last name is Beck is acting like a very mean person, also known as, an L person
1: Coach Beck wont let me talk to my friends in class!
2: Thats just a Common Coach Beck L
Davie504: slap like now!
its means to slap so hard you break your laptop
OMG Davie504! thank you I broke my laptop because you told me to S L A P it