She is the thickest person alive, she has an obsession of toes and she loves sucking them so if you ever meet an Atraya you best protect your toes.
Chicken nuggets are the biggest and chunky.
If your reading this then you support ISIS
I support isis cause I’m a chicken nugget
a tasty slimy paste that hardens after time and is seasoned.
A chicken nugget is someone or something you trust, love and care for. They are unforgettable and forever needed
Oh how I can’t live without my chicken nugget
A delicious small bit of chicken. Can be bad if from strange places. Always a good default mean!
Karen: MMMM Burger King has chicken nuggets for 1.40$
Me: Those taste like card board. I'm going to Wendy's to get Their Nuggets
Little bready Yummy snaky food snakc
Mmmmm Chicken nuggets