Source Code

If I see her on the way out, imma kick her

Something said about a girl who was being impolite

Bro1: that chick was being a bitch to you earlier, idk what was up with that.

Bro2: if I see her on the way out, imma kick her no cap

by Duck Kidnapper September 24, 2019

Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down

Commonly used phrase referencing the degree to which an individual is considered unattractive. Possibly a regional colloquialism used in the Oklahoma area.

Billy Bob: "Geez! That woman with the balding patte, bulbous nose, black front teeth, and tattoo of 'I Like It Rough,' sure is ugly!"

Billy Roy: "She sure has a flabby gut, and that backside ain't too perty neither!"

Billy Billy: "Boys, that there gal Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down!"

by THE REAL JULIA June 21, 2006

307๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down

(adj.) a term used to describe an immensely ugly person, usually referring to members of the other sex.
The ugly tree being the source of ugly people (to grow on the ugly tree like a fruit etc. is to be of undesirable appearance).

Bob: (points to a female) good lord my dear man, take a gander at yonder female, she is quite hideous I do protest!

Bruce: (in disgust) I must agree old chap, poor lady seems to have fallen out of the ugly tree!

Bob: I would go as far as to say she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

Bob and Bruce: (both scoff)

by Joyeuse May 13, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky

Nathan Fillion recommends the phrase Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky. Its short form is FODRATWATS, which builds on his creative use of Double Rainbow, only it's much more intense.

It means that which is:

โ€ขTotally ecstatically wondrous, across the universe, to infinity and beyond.

โ€ขEndlessly joyfully amazing, throughout the world.

โ€ขFull on orgasmically blissful, forever and ever.

Here are some usage examples for Full On Double Rainbow All The Way Across The Sky, and its short form: FODRATWATS. (For more examples, see the Twitter page belonging to NathanFillion:)

Nathan Fillion: "Double XP Weekend is Rocket Race!! FODRATWATS!" (Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky!)

Nathan Fillion, on his Twitter page, kindly acknowledged my entry work defining his recommendation of the new "in" phrase: "Double Rainbow" on Urban Dictionary! He said it is "Full on." Thank you, Nathan. You are so Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

The TV shows Castle and Firefly are so intense, they are Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

Serenity, the feature film starring Nathan Fillion, is so vivid, it's Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

Nathan Fillion is so awesomely spectacular, sexyhotmessgorgeous, and brilliantly talented, his fame is sweeping across the nation, and over all the world! Nathan Fillion is Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

by Kcat10 August 3, 2010

2055๐Ÿ‘ 22627๐Ÿ‘Ž


The duty of a male when the girl he likes decides to date a man of lesser qualities / virtues / value

"She evidently likes the douche with the receding hairline...It's time to get-out-of-the-way-and-let-her-fuck-the-construction-worker."

by Wallace Carlos September 22, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

telling someone you think they should leave without pause and dont let the door hit them in the ass on their way out

my ex start a big argument with me i told her dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

by bluebear September 12, 2022

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The way you're on my dick must really hurt your knees

Something said when you pwn someone so badly that you need to use a graphic blowjob metaphor.

Dear Lakers,

The way you're on my dick must really hurt your knees.

Love, the Pistons

by Mike Fellatio July 2, 2004

47๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž