A hoarder. An individual that for whatever reason acummulates a devastatingly deadly amount of shit and will ferociously protect their shit treasures from intruders. They will compact their shit trash into a trash throne upon which to rule their kingdom of rodents, pests, and various feral animals.
Me-"Do you want this rat pissed covered dog turd?"
TD- "I'm gonsta needs that"
Me-"What do you need this for ever?"
TD-"That's none of your business!"
Me-"Man. Don't be a trash dragon."
A White Claw with added alcohol.
Yeah, we put shots of Tito’s in it and made White Trash Claws to watch The Bachelor finale!
A exclamation stating the current moment is very bad poor or unfunny
What do you call people who like math algebra that was TRASH DOG
A person that is cool and sleeps around with anyone. He may enjoy one or more girls.
Jeez did u see Johnny last night he left with those two busted girls what a trash dog
A garbage bag used as a diaper to prevent your friend or loved one,who is a notorious bed wetter, from pissing on your couch in their sleep. The bed wetting is usually a result of excessive fluid consumption.
Dude, Timmy made me wear a white trash diaper after I pissed on his couch the last time I crashed at his place.
Trash at basketball or any sport with a ball, or u sucks at sports really bad mostly basketball
Yo seany boi, u so trash at ball u can’t even make a shot!
When your father ejaculates on you face and your mother rubs it in like lotion
My daddy gave me another white trash facial last night.