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Ol' Mr. Platypus that walks with a limp

it is another word for a wang, dong, etc. . .

Timmy looked at Ol' Mr. Platypus that walks with a limp for hours last night.

by Kevin November 6, 2003

13👍 22👎

You’ll walk over; but, you’ll crawl back!

You’ll walk over; but, you’ll crawl back! — a variation of You’ll walk over; but, you’ll limp back! Spoken as a prelude to the promise of a good fight; or, overly vigorous multi-position highly active sex — though not at the same time.

Neither of these are possible for the current generation of men who are still virgins at 28; and, keyboard warriors only at best!!! But, that’s another Urban Dictionary entry.

An extreme athlete just who spent 500 days in a cave and recently came out told her lover:

You can try to have sex with me if you want to; but, I’ve been in a cave for 500 days; You’ll walk over; but, you’ll crawl back!

by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 24, 2023

144👍 9👎

You’ll walk over; but, you’ll limp back!

You’ll walk over; but, you’ll limp back! — a taunt used in pugilistic or sexual situations daring an opponent to engage with you because your skill level is so superior that they may be potentially injurious for the unprepared. A variation of this dare is: You’ll walk over; but, you’ll crawl back.

Either way and in either situation, you had better be able to deliver if you talk shit like that!!!!! Otherwise you will be accused of “selling woof tickets.”

Overheard; An old man with a cane to a young man giving him some lip:

“Come in over here you young jitterbug; I ain’t sellin’ no woof tickets — You’ll walk over; but, you’ll limp back!“

by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 24, 2023

144👍 8👎

walk you to your car

The act of courting in which the male tool-bag preys on his unsuspecting/suspecting slutty victim by displaying his dominance through: inflated ego and complete ignorance and expresses his honest belief that the female does not know where she is parked, and needs imminent help in locating it. Often resulting in, and is not limmited to: Rejection, sexual harassment, HPV, pregnancy, human trafficing, and in some cases even death.

Yo. I'm not done talking to you yet, can I walk you to your car?

Yeah brah, I totally walked that ass to her car last night.

Babe NO! How could you let him walk you to your car last night?!?!?

by Kyle Farclette January 13, 2012

2👍 15👎


to kick the Bejesus out of somebody; to physically decimate or shred an individual.

When the tizzun referred to me as his "beeyotch," I stomped a mudhole in his ass and walked it dry.

by weave October 7, 2003

111👍 21👎

take a long walk off a short pier

To fuck off/shut up.

Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier?

by mite74 October 29, 2007

366👍 88👎

can't walk and chew gum at the same time

A person who is extremely clumsy, or who often is sporting bandages covering minor injuries, might be said to be incapable of "walking and chewing gum at the same time".

After the third time in one month that the new office assistant was electrocuted while trying to clear a paper jam in the office copier, the supervisor shook his head and asked the Personnel office to move the employee to another department with no machinery in it, as "this guy can't walk and chew gum at the same time".

by ctsurv553 September 1, 2015

14👍 2👎