Trop de charisme, trop intelligent, il va rouler sur l’or
Thomas is the best name
hes a bitch who thinks hes funny but hes really not funny at all.
big ego, inconsistent, bitch, stupid, lame
A God-Like man who reaches his true form when referred to as The "Tomasi M" and unleashes his true powers of the MMMMMM. When in the Tomasi M form, he can do anything he sets his mind to.
Tomasi M, racking up the W's - Shaniqua TylerbeansThomas - 1969
A man with a very shy personality and who never talks. His brothday is March 10th.
Thomas is the best at making jokes. To be honest If a Thomas and a Molly met, They should date.
Thomas: *bumps into Molly*
Molly: Oh.
Both: hey
Thomas: I think you dropped something.
Molly: yeah I guess I did.
Thomas: We should def date.