person who’s rich but makes friends pay for his shit.
Jake: pay for my food you puss
Sebastian: Nize it money man k
I miss my Alfie K D.Everyone needs a Alfie in their lives- when you meet him he's alr...get to know him he's unreplaceable. He'll break your heart and it's the worst heartbreak ever even if you've never dated. Copycat D always is like that. Alfie K D is funny, strong (really never tell him tho) and I miss you old Alfie. Wish you were the same. Alfie K D has a good memory.
Do you remember?
Remember what?
Ohhhhhhhh yes heehee
You must have a Alfie K D memory
Super shitty pay to play promotion company from Phoenix, Arizona.
"Oh shit, K&Z Entertainment just took our money again"
someone's just keyboard mashing
k,jhnghyftdbsrjthgmjr tyjudzjrk yrthgrfedgfwhtegjy5ku57ju64y5h3gref
A man beyond any man I have ever met. He procedes any and all expectations I have ever had. He is the best friend anyone could ever have. A great father .. If I could keep him in my pocket and take him everywhere with me I would.. I love him!
K.S. Syndrome is a maladaptive disorder; that encompassed the following personality disorders:
Peter Pan Syndrome, Grandiose Narcissism, Self-loathing& A variety of Cluster B in accordance with DSM-5. Can you have K.S. Syndrome without having symptoms one of the four disorders? Typically, no. The patient will display P.P.S, grandiosity, self-loathing. with one and/or more of the Cluster B disorders.
Expanded definitions:
• Peter Pan Syndrome
- prefer to “live for today” and show little interest in making long-term plans. spend money unwisely and have other trouble with personal finances. consistently avoid addressing relationship issues in productive ways.
as described by
• Grandiose Narcissism Symptoms
- A need for admiration.
- A lack of empathy.
- An exaggerated sense of importance.
- Persistent fantasies of increased success, power, happiness, love, intelligence, or physical appearance.
as described by
• Self-loathing Symptoms
o All-or-nothing thinking: You see yourself and your life as either good or bad, without any shades of gray in between.
as described by
• Cluster B
o Cluster B is called the dramatic, emotional, and erratic cluster. It includes: Borderline Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Histrionic Personality Disorder.
as described by
The men of that community are suffering from a serve case of K. Samuels syndrome stemming from a lack of a real male adult role model in their life.
A derogatory name for user of 4chan's /k/, especially one who fantasizes about going to war with law enforcement agents or military personnel. More often than not has little to no formal training in gun fighting, but maintains a sense of confidence they could take on SOF and Federal agents.
"Remember that /k/eyboard commando who tried to shoot up that federal building?"